Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Biblical Femininity This Saturday

This Saturday night Cindy Sokoll will be speaking about "Submitting to our Husbands" at Biblical Femininity. More than likely some of you are thinking that there is no need for you to come since you don't have a husband and you think because of that it won't have any significance for you.

If you have had those thoughts let me share a some of my heart with you. One thing that I have learned in my first 4 1/2 months of marriage is that it's hard, mostly because of my own sin. And submitting to my husband can be quite challenging at times even though I understand the Biblical basis for it. But I do believe that it would be much more challenging if I didn't know what I know and have heard the experiences of women who have gone before me.

Let me ask you this. Do you have a desire to be married someday? If you are even considering the possibility that you might be married someday, my encouragement for you is that it would be wise to "get a head start" on understanding submission to a husband. And to hear and learn from older women's experiences could be invaluable for your future marriage.

If by some chance you are a women who believes that you will never be married and you have no desire to be, more than likely you will still have to be in submission to someone at some point in your life. Most of the Biblical principles of submitting to husbands also apply to other submission relationships. Plus, when is it ever a bad thing to sit down and listen to some older, wiser women share their thoughts from their life experiences.

In conclusion, if you are not planning to come to this Saturday's Biblical Femininity, I urge you to reconsider. I can guarantee that if you come with a heart to learn and hear from the Lord, you will not regret the time invested there.

Additional Thought (updated 4/7)

I was hanging with Shelli Majeski this morning and we were chatting about BF this Saturday and she brought up a good thought about the single women coming, so I thought I would share it. Her thought was that even as a single woman, you still have a husband: Jesus Christ. And you can and should pursue to understand and walkout submission to him as your head even before you have an earthly head/husband. Shelli pointed out that the better we are at submitting to our heavenly head the easier it will be to submit to an earthly head. So, if there is no other good reason to come to BF this Saturday, come because you have a desire to learn to and walkout submission to your eternal husband.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

My Favorite Holiday - Easter

I think Dolly Parton puts it well...

"He is not here, he has risen!" Today brings the fulfillment of the weekend and all that it means. Today is the day we remember the resurrection of Jesus our Savior. All of Christianity rests on this day. As Paul says in 1 Corinthians 15:17-19, if Christ has not been raised, our faith is futile; we are still in our sins and we are to be pitied more than all men. Why? Because if Christ could not defeat death itself than he was not above all things. Death would have been greater than him and therefore he would not have the power to deliver us from our sin. He would be subject to death just as we are.

But he overcame death! And this is the day where all of the good from the crucifixion culminates and is celebrated. Because without today, Friday would have meant absolutely nothing; the crucifixion would have not accomplished anything for the sins of the world. Friday is only Good Friday because of the events of Sunday. But at the same time Sunday only means something because of the events of Friday. You cannot have Friday without Sunday and you cannot have Sunday without Friday. That is why I like to celebrate the weekend as a whole and remember each day for what it means.

Today all of the mourning of the last two days disappears as we remember the great victory of Jesus over the grave. Acts 2:24, "But God raised him from the dead, freeing him from the agony of death, because it was impossible for death to keep its hold on him." That is why Easter is my favorite holiday, because without this event, the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ, there is no salvation for anyone. But because of what we celebrate this holiday, I have been redeemed from my sin and I now have the promise of an eternity with the one who loved me enough to give his life for me even while I was still in sin.

"But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us."
Romans 5:8

He is Risen! He is Risen Indeed!