Friday, April 16, 2010

What's On The Horizon

A lot of you know already that Eddie and I are going to be transitioning out of the Rock here in the next couple weeks. So I just thought I would share some of my thoughts and processes over the last few months about this transition.

When Eddie first mentioned the idea to me last year of transitioning out of the Rock, I was thoroughly against it. I love the Rock and have a very large sentimental attachment to it. Having come into the Rock as a freshman that didn't understand much of anything about God, other than that he existed, it is real clear that God has used the Rock immensely in my life over the last 8 years. God has grown me, refined me, disciplined me, and sanctified me through the years I have spent here.

So needless to say, I had to do a lot of wrestling with the Lord. God was gracious and shined some light into some places in my heart and I had to deal with how much I had found my identity and worth in who I was as a leader in the Rock (see my Mistaken Identity blog series). The Lord also revealed the fear I had of not being in the comfort of the Rock. I was used to the Rock; I knew how to live life in the Rock. And I feared the discomfort of not knowing how to live life outside of that.

But praise the Lord, for he is good! He has graciously led me through those heart issues and brought me to a place where I am looking forward to what the Lord has in store for Eddie and I over the next few months. We are still in process of figuring out the details of what our ministry will look like, but I am already seeing how God can use us in different ways.

Here are a few things we are looking forward to.
  • A more open and available schedule: Eddie and I are excited about having the availability to serve in various ways in Summitview and serve our brothers and sisters individually. Since we will have more free nights, we plan on helping some friends in SVCC to work on the remodeling of their home. We also intend to spend more time reaching out to our lost neighbors. But mostly we are looking forward to the ability to be a little more spontaneous in our ministry.
  • Hanging out with more married couples: We are very excited about having couples over for dinner, or to play tennis, or to go on camping trips and be in fellowship and discipleship with other married couples. Eddie and I realize that we have a lot to learn when it comes to being married and we want some older wiser couples to rub off on us.
  • Trusting God for international missions: Both Eddie and I have a heart for the unreached nations around the world. And we would like to be more involved with that somehow. We don't have any details as to how that would look, but we are excited to see what God might do.
There is more I could probably talk about, but this post is getting a little long. So I hope that shows you a little bit of what the Lord is doing in Eddie and I's life over the next few months. Again, we don't really have much nailed down other than the fact that you won't see our faces around the Rock as much. But don't ever be afraid to give me a call and hang out. Even though I won't be as involved in the Rock, I still want to be involved in the lives of my friends there.

And if you think about it, you can be praying that the Lord would be guiding and using Eddie and I for great things. Thanks!

Monday, April 12, 2010

When My Eyes Close In The End

The other day I was thinking about death. I don't think there was anything in particular that brought it up in my mind, I just was thinking about it. I was thinking about the exact moment when I die and my conscious thought ceases in this world and is then in an eternal world with Christ. I didn't really come up with any specifics on what that might be like, I was just simply thinking about that moment. I wondered what I would feel like right before (if I was aware that it was coming) and if I would have any fear of death or if I would just be excited to go and see my Savior. I didn't know the answer.

But then my thoughts went to those that don't know Christ and what that moment would be like for them. And my heart sank. I tried to put myself in that place and feel what it would be like if Christ hadn't saved me. I would have no idea what I was about to experience. And then, when all truth was revealed to my eyes, what would I think? What would I feel? And I suddenly became extremely thankful that Jesus Christ saved me and that when I finally stand before Christ there will be rejoicing. Because with out him, I would have been completely ignorant to the Holiness and Justice of God. I would not have any promise of hope after this life but I wouldn't even know it. And then I became very burdened for those people, and even frightened for them, knowing that I would be in their place if not for Christ.

O Lord, let my heart not become callous to the reality of what comes after this life. You have saved me from more than I can even fathom and I too often take it for granted and treat it lightly. There are too many people that are on the road to destruction and they are completely unaware of it. May I feel the weight of eternity on my heart in order that I might plead in earnest with others to see the road that they are on and to come to Christ.