Saturday, January 15, 2011

So Much Citrus!

Never before have I lived in a place where I could walk outside into the back yard and pick fruit at will. But here in AZ, I can! The McGeehon's have a really awesome house with a big beautiful back yard filled with citrus trees.
 A lemon tree, from which they make fresh lemonade.

      Grapefruit Trees

(Eddie has been enjoying fresh grapefruit for breakfasts)

       Orange Trees

    And Tangerine Trees 

 And I can just walk out and pick whatever I want! It's Amazing!


I'm liking Arizona! You all should come visit us and we'll send you home with some fruit!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Arizona Update

I am writing from sunny Mesa, AZ, where the sky is clear and it's a nice 63 degrees outside (which is apparently a little chilly for winter). We've been here for about 5 days and it's already starting to feel like home.

The first night we arrived a bunch of people had a potluck for us at Owen and Shirley McGeehon's house (Owen is the other pastor of the church down her). We met a bunch of people from the church and felt very welcomed. We've also been staying at the McGeehon's, which has been really fun. We've taught them how to play 50 and the List Game.

I got a job at Paradise Bakery. I barely had to work for it. My manager from Panera called down and told the manager here that she should hire me... and so she did. I have orientation this Wednesday and will be able to start training after that. So that is a definite answer to prayer and we are thankful for God's quick provision.

Eddie is still looking for a job. He has been really faithful in sending out his resume and applying for jobs. So we could still use prayers for that. I am praying that Eddie will find a job that he really enjoys, will provide for a family and one that he will be able to have for many years. And we would like to wait on getting an apartment until he finds a job.

So there's a quick update on how things are going for us. God has been so good to us in this transition and so we praise him for that. But we also still need him in so many ways, so thank you for your prayers.

And here are a few pictures from our drive. These are all in northeastern AZ. Sorry the quality isn't so good, I took them on my phone.