Monday, April 12, 2010

When My Eyes Close In The End

The other day I was thinking about death. I don't think there was anything in particular that brought it up in my mind, I just was thinking about it. I was thinking about the exact moment when I die and my conscious thought ceases in this world and is then in an eternal world with Christ. I didn't really come up with any specifics on what that might be like, I was just simply thinking about that moment. I wondered what I would feel like right before (if I was aware that it was coming) and if I would have any fear of death or if I would just be excited to go and see my Savior. I didn't know the answer.

But then my thoughts went to those that don't know Christ and what that moment would be like for them. And my heart sank. I tried to put myself in that place and feel what it would be like if Christ hadn't saved me. I would have no idea what I was about to experience. And then, when all truth was revealed to my eyes, what would I think? What would I feel? And I suddenly became extremely thankful that Jesus Christ saved me and that when I finally stand before Christ there will be rejoicing. Because with out him, I would have been completely ignorant to the Holiness and Justice of God. I would not have any promise of hope after this life but I wouldn't even know it. And then I became very burdened for those people, and even frightened for them, knowing that I would be in their place if not for Christ.

O Lord, let my heart not become callous to the reality of what comes after this life. You have saved me from more than I can even fathom and I too often take it for granted and treat it lightly. There are too many people that are on the road to destruction and they are completely unaware of it. May I feel the weight of eternity on my heart in order that I might plead in earnest with others to see the road that they are on and to come to Christ.

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