Saturday, April 3, 2010

My Favorite Holiday - The Day In-Between

Here is a video I found that sort of illustrates a little bit of what I feel about Good Friday.

Today is Saturday, the day in-between the two days that we celebrate for Easter. I like to include this day in my celebration. The bible doesn't talk about what happened today. Today, Jesus is still in the grave and we have a sense of anticipation for something more as we look forward to tomorrow. Unfortunately, I don't think the disciples felt that. I think they woke up the next morning hoping it was all a dream. And realizing that it wasn't, that they really had lost the one they called "The Christ", I'm sure brought great despair to their hearts. I can't begin to imagine what this day was like for them.

The reason I like to dwell on the fact that today Jesus was still dead, is that #1 it reminds me again of the great price Christ paid for me. Because he very well could have died on the cross and chilled in his tomb for a couple of hours and rose again. Now it's a little more convincing to be dead for a couple days and then raise again, but I wonder if he wanted us to feel and experience this day. To take a day and reflect again on what happened yesterday. The most monumental event that has ever occurred and will ever occur happened yesterday. And he did it for me. I wonder if he gave us a day to let that soak in a little bit.

Let me put it this way. If Eddie took a bullet for me and died, that would hit me real hard. It would be a very sober thing to think about the loss of a life in exchange for my life. Not only would there be pain for the loss of his life because he is dear to me, but to know that he gave his life in order that I might live, well, I just don't know how I would process through that. And the next morning when I woke up and he wasn't there, all the emotion of the previous day would come flooding back in. And I would recognize the gravity of what occurred the day before.

The second reason I like to dwell on the fact that today Jesus was still in the grave, is because it makes tomorrow all the more greater to experience.

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