Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Something From Nothing

So Eddie and I are growing some plants on our deck. We went to Walmart a week ago and bought planters, soil and seeds. We are growing basil, cilantro, snap peas, cucumbers, and cherry tomatoes. Eddie has been very eager for them to start growing and he checks on them multiple times a day even though I have told him that we have to wait another week before they will start to come up.

But I was thinking about a seed and how crazy of a thing it really is. Think about it, some seeds are so tiny. The tomato seeds we planted were so small that I couldn't find it in the soil once I dropped it in. But in a few weeks (hopefully) we will have a plant that has tomatoes growing off of it. Have you ever thought about where that comes from? Where does all that matter come from? No where. It's all from replicating cells. It's not like there is a bunch of matter laying around that gets pulled together and organized as a plant. The matter is just created. It's literally something from nothing. Crazy!

Or think about a baby. All you start with is a little, microscopic egg and in 9 months you have a human being with arms, legs, eyes, lungs, a heart, skin, a tongue, and vast variety of other things. Where does that matter come from? No where. It's just replicating cells.

I just think God's creation is amazing. How a big, real, tangible, functional thing, can just come from a tiny, losable, insignificant thing. And that matter, which wasn't there before, is now in existance. It's just crazy.

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