Thursday, May 6, 2010

Being Prepared for Battle - Feet Fitted With Readiness

This is the third of six posts.

Feet Fitted With Readiness
"and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace." (v15)

Some of you know that I'm not much of a shoe person. While some women have up to 50 pairs of shoes, I own about 7 pairs. Now I'm not dogging on those women that love shoes and have every kind of shoe in existence, I'm just not one of them. I find a pair of shoes that fit, are comfortable, and can be used for multiple occasions and those are the ones I own.

That's the picture I get with these shoes described in the passage. They are the ready-for-every-use shoe.

Most of the time when I wear a pair of my shoes I'm not too worried about where I am walking. I don't have to worry about not walking on certain surfaces because my shoes are doing what they were meant to do; protect my feet and enable me to go places and do things. Without the proper footwear I could be severely limited. For example, I can't go hiking in high heels and I can't run 6 miles in flip-flops.

I think that's the idea with "fitting my feet with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace". It's making sure that I can go anywhere and do anything the Lord calls me to do since I'm not worried about what my next step is going to do to my welfare. Spiritually speaking, it's making sure that my heart is trusting in the gospel of peace so that I don't have to be anxious about anything that the Lord might bring onto my path (Phil 4:6-7).

The gospel is a gospel of peace. If I ever have any fears or anxieties, all I need to do is return to the gospel and believe it's truths. And it's when I am resting in the gospel that I can walk in trust and obedience to my Lord, not worrying about what might be coming next; I'm ready for anything.

1 comment:

  1. Good stuff Jen. I appreciate your thoughts on the Word!
