Thursday, November 4, 2010

Phoenix, Arizona

As some of you already know, Eddie and I are moving to Phoenix, Arizona. Our new pastor, Brandon Pullen, and his wife, Jen, are moving down to Phoenix to be the full time pastor for our sister church down there and he has asked Eddie and I to join him. At this time our plan is to move down to Phoenix in early January, immediately following a couple of weddings we would like to attend.

Things I am looking forward to:
1. Being apart of a small tight knit body of believers.
There are 6-7 families that live down there right now. And with the handful of people that will go down from Fort Collins that means there will only be about 30 people laboring together for the advancement of the kingdom in one of the largest cities in the U.S.

2. How God is going to grow my faith.
There are a lot of things that we need to trust the Lord for. And I am praying that the Lord would stretch and strengthen our faith through this adventure.

3. Doing something new.
It's hard to not be excited about a whole life change, doing something completely new.

Things I am NOT looking forward to:
1.  The heat.
Even today, Nov 4, the high in Phoenix is 89 degrees. In the summer, it gets up to 115 degrees. Yeah... not excited about that.

2. Scorpions
Yep, there are scorpions in Phoenix. My plan is to find every trap and scorpion repellent thing I can get and utilize them all, cause I am pretty freaked out about the idea of having them in my house/shoes/bed/anywhere near me.

3. Not being able to start a fire in the fireplace, cuddle up with a blanket and some coffee and watch a movie while it's snowing outside. Because it doesn't snow in Phoenix! Lame!

Things we need prayer for:
1. Jobs.
Eddie and I are both going down jobless and will need to find jobs when we get there. I've been praying that the Lord would provide Eddie with a solid, permanent job quickly. It's not quite as big of a deal for me, since I can basically get any kind of temporary job until we start having kids.

2. A place to live.
We also don't know where we will be living as of right now, but I am praying that we would be able to live close to the Pullen's and other people in the church.

3. For the Lord to use us.
Us going down there will do nothing unless the Lord works through us. Pray that we will be available and ready for what he might call us into and that he would save people through our efforts down there.

I will try and keep my blog updated with our adventures and with all of the cool things that the Lord is going to do. Thanks for caring about our lives and praying for us!

1 comment:

  1. You BETTER keep us updated, sis! Happy and excited for the both of you.
